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What Does God Say About Anxiety and Depression

Lori Nicole

When I started this page one of my goals was to shine light on the messy, unfiltered side of motherhood that so many don’t talk about. One of those taboo topics is battling anxiety and depression as a mother. My hope is that by sharing my faith based experience I encourage other mamas to do the same, so we can help one another and refute the negative stigma around mental health.

All mamas want to look and feel like we’ve got our sh** together and that we don’t struggle. I’m here to tell you with 100% certainty, any mother who says they don’t experience feelings of anxiety or depression from time to time is either in denial or lying to you.

From everything I’ve learned, there are many different ways to combat anxiety (and depression). A simple Google search will turn up dozens of activities or things to try to help ease your worries. While eating well, exercising, and getting rest are all great for you, they are not the solution that has had the greatest impact on me personally. My solution, alcohol - and lots of it. - I’m kidding, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t on the list of things I’ve tried.

Personally, I’ve been dealing with a lot lately. Marriage troubles, financial trouble, feeling like I am being pulled in 400 different directions. You name it, it’s probably been on my plate in recent months. To say that I’ve been struggling would be an understatement. I've felt alone. Isolated. Unloved. Unlovable. I’ve wanted to give up, quit. I’ve cried. And cried some more. I’ve sought counsel with no sense of relief from the pain and pressure. And in all honesty, I turned away from God when I should have been running toward him. - Hindsight

Being free from panic attacks, worry, anxiety, depression, and fear may seem out of reach. Trust me, mama, I thought it was too. Although I’m not 100% better and never will be 100%, I feel like I’m on a path of recovery. The truth is, the key to not only managing these issues is not an activity or a process. It is a person. To truly heal and feel at peace, our hope and faith needs to be found in Jesus. He wants us to bring our cares and concerns to Him. He wants us to ask for His guidance. He never judges and always has our best interest at heart. Amazing isn’t it? Philippians 4:6- Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

God knows our deepest fears and every piece of our hearts. - He understands that we, as people, are not immune to anxiety or depression. Even the most devout Christians battle these feelings from time to time. What I’m saying is, it’s normal. So normal. I hope you are comforted knowing it happens to all of us at some point and you shouldn’t feel ashamed.

In scripture we see many different examples that speak to anxiety, fear, or worry. One of the most well known examples is written by David in Psalm 23. It reads, “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” The faith David shows here in this verse is extraordinary. - It is something I personally wish to seek day in and day out. The reason I say daily is because faith and trust in God is not something that we receive one day and we’re healed from these issues forever. It takes continual work on your part. - And the closer you find yourself to God, the harder the enemy will work against you. Yes, you read that right. I’m saying that the closer you draw to God, the more struggles and tribulations you could possibly face. You’re probably thinking, “then why seek God? If it’s going to be harder, why do it?” - Because it’s worth it. You will find peace.

If you’re anything like me, you may be feeling like you are too far from God to be heard or seen. Maybe you feel alone or “crazy”. I know I’ve felt those things, but none of them are true. All of those thoughts that drag you down are lies the enemy is flooding your mind with. Why? - Because the enemy is afraid to lose you. Think about it. The further you are from God, the easier you are to manipulate. The truth is, your struggle is never too big for God and He does not see you in that manner, so what do you want to believe? The lies or the truth? Psalms 16:8 - I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.

There is no fast fix for anxiety and depression. I would be lying to you if I said your struggles end just because you give them to God. Some days you will feel better, and others you will feel that familiar sense of doom lingering over you. Remember as I said earlier, no one is immune to these struggles and the closer you get to God the more you may be tested. Thankfully, calling out to God, asking Him to lead you out of the darkness, believing His truth in your heart, and thanking Him for being with you is a choice you get to make everyday. Every time you make that choice you are trusting God, and you best believe He’s got your back! Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. You can choose the lies, the pain, and the struggle - or you can choose to fix your eyes, your heart, and your mind on the truth of God’s word. You can take your brokenness to the only one with the power to fix it and worship Him while he does. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

My experience is not everyone’s experience, and I completely understand that. My faith has been a pillar in my journey to overcoming my anxiety and depression, but so has exercise, eating better, and medication. What has worked for me may not be a path you are wanting or willing to take at this point. But with that being said, my question for you is this - if you are willing to take advice from a Google search on overcoming these issues, why not give God a chance? You have nothing to lose, and truly everything to gain.


By reading this article you agree and acknowledge that I am not a healthcare professional and I am not providing medical, nutritional, or therapy services. You agree and acknowledge that I am not attempting to treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional conditions. No information on this site is a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the help of your own medical or mental health professional for specific questions regarding your health and treatment.

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03 de mai. de 2023
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Great truth!


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