If you’ve been a sports mom for any significant amount of time, you know all too well the amount of crap you could/”should” drag to and from games in your “mom bag.” You also know that attempting to pack this bag in the chaos of getting kids dressed and out the door is absolutely impossible if you plan on getting out the door in time for warmups.
I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve been on the sidelines wishing I had a certain item; which is what led me to write this post. My hope is that I can help other sports mamas learn from my mistakes.
It’s no doubt we, mamas, LOVE being at the field (or court) watching our babies compete. However, we also love being prepared. My biggest piece of advice for being a sports mama is having a bag packed with your sport mama essentials.

So what exactly do you need?
Bottled water - yes, I know you already sent your little athlete to the sidelines with a bottle of water. You’re a great mom. However, it never hurts to carry an extra bottle or 2 in case of emergency. If it’s hot outside or your child is playing extra hard, they may need additional hydration. I suggest an insulated stainless steel bottle that can be filled and reused as needed. Not only do they keep water cooler longer, but they are also very durable and can be tossed around in a bag without damage.
Antibacterial hand wipes - Girl, kids are dirty. Kids playing sports are dirtier. To reduce the spread of germs and illness, antibacterial wipes can be used after games to wipe hands and faces before kids dive into their post game snacks.
First Aid Kit - Uh, seems obvious right? It does now, but it didn't cross my mind until I needed one and found myself without. Don’t make my mistake. Kids are constantly getting bumped and scraped. Having a first aid kit full of bandaids and ice packs is never a bad idea.
Bug spray and sunscreen - Obviously this applies to my mamas who find themselves outdoors when watching their little all-stars, but definitely a must have. Don’t want to worry about carrying around big bottles of these essentials? No problem, purchase travel size items for each. Compact and still effective.
Small to medium sized blanket - I love the small fleece blankets Walmart sells. You know the ones I’m talking about, right? These are great for cold mornings outside or to throw down on the grass or bleachers for a nice cushion to sit on.
Snacks, snacks, snacks. You have kids, right? Self explanatory.

These 6 items are the ones I would encourage most. However, if you are looking for extra comfort during your child’s games some other items I recommend are:
Small portable umbrella. Rain or shine, this can come in handy. Stay dry or keep the sun off you. No one likes a sunburn, or a pop up spring rain shower when you’re unprepared.
Personal battery powered fan - These are great for personal use or to cool your athlete down after a game.
A hoodie or light jacket - I touched on several items to keep you cool during warm games, however as a Texas mama I know all too well how unpredictable weather can be during the spring or fall months. Keeping a light jacket in your bag will most definitely save you on an occasion or two.
Will you and your family survive without all of these items? Yes. Most likely. - unless you have a 7 year old who’s addicted to snacks like myself, then snacks are a must.
Is it 100% necessary to drag all of these things to every game? No, probably not.
Will you be glad you’re prepared in the event you need any of these items? Absolutely.
Do you have any other suggestions for what a sports mama needs in her “mom bag?” I’d love to hear your thoughts! Comment below and share your ideas!
Very informative. Great content. Maybe do something on easy dinners for active families or plan ahead dinners.